Is this your first time visiting St. Peter and St. Paul UCC? Or maybe your first time here in a while? Maybe, just maybe, you’ve passed by us and wondered what it looks like on the inside, who we are, and what this church is all about.
We’d like you to know that we are just a group of ordinary people on an amazing journey together following Christ. The Bible is our guide, and reveals God's truths to us, so we can learn more about God and how to live out our faith! If you visit us, we hope you will see that we are welcoming, spiritually passionate, and that getting to know you is a big deal to us.
The road of life is really hard at times, and we believe that you will find relevant and practical messages to help get you through life’s ups and downs.
We care about this community and it is our job to make it a better place. This website provides some details of how we support the community and each other.
So, no matter who you are or where you’ve been in your faith journey, we invite you to join us on this journey, following Christ and living out his plan for us.
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Enjoy a little laugh with our Pastor's Pun of the day.
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